For Untitled, which was commissioned by the MCA in 2014, Daniel Boyd stuck 18,000 circular mirrored disks to a black wall in the museum’s entry foyer. Like stars scattered across the night sky used as ancient navigation maps, or subatomic particles comprising the dark matter of the universe, these reflecting dots point towards our incomplete understanding of time, space and memory. 

Daniel Boyd Untitled, 2014; mirrored disks, synthetic polymer paint on wall

Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014
Supported by Veolia Environmental Services
; Photograph: Jessica Maurer; enquire
Untitled, 2014
mirrored disks, synthetic polymer paint on wall Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014 Supported by Veolia Environmental Services
Photograph: Jessica Maurer
Daniel Boyd Untitled (detail), 2014; mirrored disks, synthetic polymer paint on wall

Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014
Supported by Veolia Environmental Services
; Photograph: Jessica Maurer; enquire
Untitled (detail), 2014
mirrored disks, synthetic polymer paint on wall Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014 Supported by Veolia Environmental Services
Photograph: Jessica Maurer
Daniel Boyd Untitled (detail), 2014; mirrored disks, synthetic polymer paint on wall

Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014
Supported by Veolia Environmental Services
; Photograph: Jessica Maurer; enquire
Untitled (detail), 2014
mirrored disks, synthetic polymer paint on wall Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014 Supported by Veolia Environmental Services
Photograph: Jessica Maurer