Blak lik mi, 1991-2003
Light jet print from Polaroid original
100 x 214.5 cm
Edition of 15 + AP

Historically photography has been used as a tool to categorise and document Aboriginal people and their lives. In this work Destiny Deacon reclaims three images taken from a 1960s reproduction of a 1957 Axel Poignant photograph, from his photo essay, originally titled Picaninny Walkabout, later renamed Bush Walkabout. Deacon turns the colonial gaze back on the coloniser, photographing the photograph, and subverting her position as both subject and photographer.

The title Blak lik mi is a reference to John Howard Griffin's autobiographical novel, Black Like Me, in which Griffin took large doses of an anti-vitiligo drug and spent hoursudbffudc0ddaily under an ultraviolet lamp in order to change the appearance of his skin so that he 'passed' as Black. Deacon’s work offers a window into her own interrogation about what constitutes her Aboriginal identity. On this, Deacon often jokes that she ‘took the c, out of black little c**t’. Rude words beginning with ‘c’, of which there are many, are often used as offensive slights, and Deacon recalls being taunted with these words as a child.

'Blak', unlike 'Black', was Deacon's way of self-determining her identity, and originating a version of the self that comes entirely from within. The legacy of this work has been massive. Countless Aboriginal people now self-determine their identity as Blak, so much so that a Google search of 'Blak' returns a nearly all Australian Indigenous search result.

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