Carol Rudyard
Carol Rudyard Unreal City
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 2002
Carol Rudyard Zone: The Kelly factor
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1998
Carol Rudyard Body language #3
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1997
Carol Rudyard Apocryphal Tales
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1994
Carol Rudyard Visions of Xes
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1991
Carol Rudyard Wantai maiden (maintain a dew)
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1989
Carol Rudyard Salt Cellar and Glass
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1988
Carol Rudyard
Born 1922, England
Arrived in Australia 1950
Living Treasure, Award presented by the Department of Culture and the Arts, Government of Western
Honorary Doctor of Letters, awarded by Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia on March 23rd 1999
Graduate Diploma of Art & Design, WAIT (now Curtin University of Technology) Perth
Bachelor of Fine Arts, WAIT Perth
Associate Diploma in Art, WAIT Perth
Perth Technical College, Perth
WAIT, Perth
Mount Lawley College of Advanced Education (now Edith Cowan University), Perth
WAIT, Perth
Urban Arcadias (part 1, Perth), Cullity Gallery, University of Western Australia
Unreal City, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Displacement Series: `perfect toast every time', Goddard de Fiddes Gallery, Perth
Unreal City, Cullity Gallery, University of Western Australia
Shopping, Cullity Gallery, University of Western Australia
Still Life with Taps, John Curtin Gallery, Perth
Zone: The Kelly Factor, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney (Oct-Nov)
Zone: The Kelly Factor, Cullity Gallery University of Western Australia (Sept)
Carol Rudyard: Photographs 1988-1996, Goddard/de Fiddes
Contemporary Art, Perth
Body Language #3, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Ways of Viewing: Carol Rudyard and Margaret Preston, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia
Point of View: Carol Rudyard selected works 1968-1994, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne
Apocryphal Tales, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Point of View: Carol Rudyard selected works 1968-1992, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, and Satellite exhibition Wantai Maiden at Cutin University of Technology, Perth
Visions of Xes, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Wantai Maiden (maintain a dew), Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Salt Cellar & Glass, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Traces, Praxis, Fremantle
Still Life with Taps, Undercroft Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth
Still Life with Telephone/ Still Life with Taps, Gallery 52, Perth
Twine: A Perspective on Kandinsky, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth (in conjunction with the Kandinsky exhibition touring Australia)
Still Life with Taps, WAIT, Perth
Still Life with Telephone, WAIT, Perth
Carol Rudyard, The Old Fire Station Gallery, Perth
Writing the Collection, John Curtin Gallery, Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia
Clouded Over, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia
Women's Work, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia
Outside Tokyo (ideas about time and space), Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, Western Australia
Sublime:25 Years of the Wesfarmers Collection of Australian Art, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
Transit Narratives, Centro per le Arti Visive Le Venezie, Treviso, Italy
Do It, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia
Mechanical Eye, John Curtin Gallery, Perth
Penumbrae: Art in the Interstices of the Everyday, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth
Still Life in Still Lives, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
`Portrait' #2 for inclusion in ABC TV Rage programme
Out of Australia, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth
Mine Own Executioner: Self-Portrait Exhibition, Mundaring Art Centre, Perth
Colonial Hide in Installation Art, Aherns Department Store Exhibition
Review: Works by Women from the collection of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
bur-ran-gurang (court out) Women and the Law, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth
Pride of Place: New Acquisitions, 1990-1994, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
…but never by chance…, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, touring to IMA, Brisbane; MCA, Sydney; Canberra School of Art Gallery and Ian Potter Gallery, Melbourne (in Feb 1993)
Embracing Space, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Art Dock: Exposition d'Art Contemporanien, Noumea, New Caledonia
Biennale of Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Adelaide Biennale of Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
In Transit, Drew Gallery, Canterbury and Chisenhale Gallery, London UK
The Australian Art Exhibition, (Australian Bicentennial Perspecta) Frankfurter Kunstverein and Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
The Australian Bicentennial Perspecta, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Experimenta (MIMA), 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne
From Other Places, Praxis, Fremantle
The Australian Bicentennial Perspecta, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Biennale of Sydney, Pier 2/3 Walsh Bay, Sydney
Pleasure of the Gaze, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Video Now, ACCA, Melbourne
Perspecta, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Audio Visual Installations in Western Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Screens, Fremantle Art Centre, Fremantle
Women Artists at the Dusseldorf, Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth
First Annual Exhibition, Graduate Diploma of Art & Design, WAIT, Perth
Adelaide Festival of Arts, Adelaide
Blake Prize Exhibition for Religious Art, Sydney
Perth Prize for Drawing, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Invitation Exhibitions, WAIT, Perth
Five Women Artists, Old Fire Station Gallery, Perth
Australia Council Australian Artists Creative Fellowship (also known as a Keating Grant)
WA Department for the Arts grant
Visual Arts Board, Australia Council Grant
Guy Grey Smith Travel Grant
Visual Arts Board, Australia Council Grant
Western Australian Arts Council Grant
Visual Arts Board, Australia Council Grant
Western Australian Arts Council Grant
Mundaring Prize for Abstract Art
Festival of Perth Poster Competition
Praxis, Fremantle
School of Architecture and Fine Arts University of Western Australia
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Art Gallery of Western Australia
Curtin University of Technology
The University of Western Australia
Edith Cowan University
Art Bank
Griffith University
Westfarmers Collection
Private Collections
Adams, Bruce Biennale of Sydney exh. cat., Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1986
Adams, Bruce Australian Bicentennial Perspecta catalogue, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1987
Adams, Bruce Objects in the Observatory: Carol Rudyard's Audio-Visual Installation Point of View: Carol Rudyard selected works 1968-1992 catalogue Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, 1983
Allen, Christopher Art Monthly, No.12 July 1988
Blond, Simon, “Ideas of time and place,” West Australian, Saturday, 24 May 2003, p. 14
Bond, Tony Perspecta, catalogue, Art Gallery of New South Wales 1985
Bond, Tony Australian Video Festival, catalogue 1986 “Video Installations in Australia”
Bond, Tony Audio Visual Installations in Western Australia catalogue, Art Gallery of Western Australia 1983
Barrett-Lennard, J. “Carol Rudyard: Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, Perth” Art & Text No.45 1993
Bromfield, David “The Pleasure of the Gaze” Art Network, No.18, 1986
Bromfield, David “Germans Confused by Down Under Art” West Australian 26.1.89
Bromfield, David “Point of View Has A Point” West Australian 6.2.93
Bromfield, David “Three Depictions of Material Value” West Australian 11.96
Bromfield, David “What You Want The Way You Want It” West Australian 15.2.97
Cook, Robert, “Portraits of anticipation,” The West Australian, Saturday, November 23, 2002
Considine, Simone, “Outside Tokyo at Curtin Uni,” Western Suburbs Weekly, Tuesday, 6 May 2003, p. 33
Erickson, Dorothy “Symbolic Surrealism” The Bulletin 2.3.93
Fenner, Felicity “Insights That Come With Age” Sydney Morning Herald 11.11.94
Horridge, Naomi “Paintings and Early Work 1968-1980” Point of View catalogue Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery University of Western Australia
Marcon, Marco “The Horror of the Gaze” Art Reading Material (PICA) Issue 9
Mateer, John “Carol Rudyard: Point of View Selected Works 1968-1992 Agenda #30/31
Mason, Murray Contemporary Western Australian Painters & Printmakers, Fremantle Art Centre Press 1979
McNeill, David Traces catalogue, Praxis, Fremantle 1987
McNeill, David Salt Cellar & Glass catalogues Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery 1988
McNeill, David Salt Cellar & Glass reprinted in Point of View catalogue Lawrence Wilson Gallery, University of Western Australia 1993
Palmer, Sarah, “Young at art,” The West Australian, November 18, 2002
Paroissien, Leon Australian Art Review Warner Assoc. Press Oxford 1983
Paterson, Rosalind Carol Rudyard: An Art of Contradiction (MFA Thesis; School of Architecture and Fine Arts, University of Western Australia)
Pedersen, Annette bur-ran-gurang (court out) Women and the Law catalogue
& Trees, Katherine University of Western Australia
Powlesland, Lyn “Intertextualité et Originalité: un examen du role de l'art français dans les ouvrages-video de Carol Rudyard” (Graduate Diploma Thesis, Department of French Studies, University of Western Australia)
Rooney, Robert Point of View Carol Rudyard: Selected Works 1968-1994 The Australian 31.3.95
Rudyard, Carol/ Boltanski, Christian, “Les Ecoliers (The Schoolchildren),” Do It exh. cat., Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia
Rudyard, Carol Pleasure of the Gaze catalogue Art Gallery of Western Australia 1985
Rudyard, Carol Jillian Bradshaw Memorial Lecture for Curtin University 1992
Rudyard, Carol Zone: The Kelly Factor catalogue essay Cullity Gallery, University of Western Australia 1998
Rudyard, Carol Shopping catalogue essay, Cullity Gallery, University of Western Australia 1999
Rudyard, Carol Unreal City catalogue essay, Cullity Gallery, University of Western Australia 2001
Snell, Ted “Visual Art” (Perth Festival) The Australian 12.2.93
Snell, Ted “Winters Tale” Art & Australia Vol.31 No.2 1993
Stephens, Jasmine “Carol Rudyard, Storyboards in Solitude,” Artlink, Volume 26, number 4
Stringer, John Western Australian Artists in Residence by Richard Waldendorp and John Stringer, Sandpiper Press 1995
Walker, Linda Marie “Fall Softly Again” Adelaide Biennale of Contemporary Art, catalogue, Art Gallery of South Australia 1990
Walker, Linda Marie “…but never by chance…” Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide catalogue 1992
Watson, Browyn “Turning a Lens on the Lounge” Sydney Morning Herald June 1986
New Caledonia
Europe, USA
Northern Europe
Selection Panel, 1991 Moet & Chandon touring exhibition & fellowship
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) Course Advisory Committee, Curtin University of Technology
Member of the Professional Development of Artists-Development Projects Committee, VACB Australia Council
Honorary Research Fellowship, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Fine Arts
Senior Honorary Research Fellowship (adjunct staff), Curtin University of Technology
Australia Council Australian Artists Creative Fellowship (also known as Keating Grant)

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